Thursday, February 12, 2009

Presidential Separation--a Preston's Perspective Classic...

initially appearing last year...

Hope everyone has a fun Presidents' Day planned-- the holiday brings a very pressing matter to mind: Just one holiday for 43 people? I'm all for honoring our nation's leaders-- but does James Buchanan deserve equal billing with George Washington? Did Benjamin Harrison have the same impact as Franklin Roosevelt?

I believe it's completely unfair; we as a country place a premium on being a successful chief executive but then honor everyone with the same 1/43 share-- that's 2.33%. Thomas Jefferson brought us the Louisiana Purchase, and gets less than a 3% tip?

The solution: create a Presidents' Day Weekend. Separate the wheat from the chaff and honor those who don't make the cut on Friday afternoon/evening, followed by "Super Presidents' Day" on Monday.

Who exactly is a "Super President"?
1--Must be deceased-- (sorry Bill)...

2--Mount Rushmore-- If you are chiseled into the side of a hill-- you qualify. That means Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt.

3--Money-- You get consideration if you're on a coin or a dollar bill-- but it's not automatic. Sorry Grant, Cleveland and McKinley--congratulations FDR, Wilson and Jackson.

4--Veterans Committee-- An alternating honoree from the 19th and 20th centuries--two highly underrated chief executives: James K. Polk is my 1800's choice for this year; Harry Truman my 1900's representative for 2010.

5--Partisan Picks-- Let's throw a bone to each party by adding Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy--as each respective party is looking for the next Reagan or JFK anyway. There you are-- ten super presidents honored together the third Monday of February-- while the other 33 share a happy hour at Tchotchkies (Grant would love that).

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